Event/ Activity Summary

Love Earth Day
Our children are the future, and the fate of this planet is not only in our hands but in theirs, too. Once we've used up and destroyed the natural resources of our Earth, there's no turning back.

So let’s teach our children in PECH about ecology and species extinction. To help them to understand that what they do does have an impact, for better or worse.

Earth Day is only once a year, but saving our planet for our own children and educating our future generations is a life-long endeavor. By celebrating Earth Day, Hume Cement team has organized a Love Your Earth day at PECH. Our fellow colleagues were teaching the children the importance to protect our planet Earth and showing them that every individual regardless of age does make a difference.

To teach the children about the importance of going green, Hume Cement team has incorporates hands-on lessons such as plant planting and recycling waste materials.

The fun-filled day ends with a sharing session by the kids towards their ideas, knowledge about Love Earth with the delicious snacks prepared by the Hume Cement team.

Events & Activities